8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
World’s Perfect Boy, Young Man, Man will check-in. At check-in, each contestant will receive contestant number, complimentary issue of World’s Perfect Model Look Book and Tote Bag, register for any Optional Competitions, purchase admission tickets for friends and family members, and receive information for Pageant photo and video Packages.
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Orientation for all Contestants to meet with International Director, Michael Galanes and International Producer, Frank Arcidiacono. We will review rules, introduce all of the contestants, and discuss format and schedule. We will demonstrate the modeling pattern on the International Runway.
12:00 NOON
Fashion Walk with On-Stage Question for Boy, Young Man, Man: Each male model will wear Wow Wear. Model will order and will be mailed his Wow Wear. The question will be from the topic on his application that he submitted to the National Office.
1:00 PM
Summer Fashion for Boy, Young Man, Man: Each contestant will wear an outfit that he would wear on a hot summer day! It may be shorts, pants, swimsuit, or any outfit the contestant would actually wear on a hot summer day! Any shoe or sandal is allowed.
2:00 PM
Formal Attire for Boy, Young Man, Man Contestants: Each contestant will wear formal attire. It can be a suit, tuxedo, blazer and pants. Any color is allowed.
9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Finals/Crowning and all Awards for Boy, Young Man and Man Contestants. Contestants will wear formal attire for the crowing and awards. We will announce all awards in Boy, Young Man and Man Divisions: Wow Wear Winner, Summer Fashion Winner, Formal Attire Winner, Brightest, Fashion Icon, Most Handsome and Supermodel. Announce Top 5 and winner in each of the 3 male age divisions.